postbus 150

Travelling between Salzburg and Strobl and then back again is very simple. The Postbus 150 coach runs every hour or so and takes 70 minutes departing from just outside the main entrance to the Salzburg Hbf. Timetable information can be found at

The drive itself winds through villages and small snow-laden towns such as Fuschl am See situated on the incredibly picturesque lake of Fuschlsee with the unusual glass offices of Red Bull surrounded by water in a Venice-like fashion.

There is also St Gilgen, on the much larger lake of Wolfgangsee, with its cute red or yellow cable cars climbing from near the bus stop high up into the nearby peaks.

To alight for Hotel Bergrose ensure you tell the driver Strobl Weinßenbach as there are several Strobl stops with this one the closest, literally a couple of minutes walk away.

Luggage and ski gear can be conveniently stored underneath in the hold and the seats are quite comfortable.

The cost is €7,70 for adults and half that for school-age children.
